Dec 31, 2008

Wedding Photojouralism - Elfee & Raphael

Date: 30-Dec-08
Venue: St. Margaret's Church
Banquet: Grand Hyatt Hotel

今天濛濛細雨, 亦不減 Elfee & Raphael 婚禮的氣氛及情緒。一切十分順利及完滿!全日每一位的賓客均十分享受他們所安排的, 無論是 Rahpael 父親的風趣及感人的 "每天都說我愛您"speech, 或是 Raphael 動人的歌聲‥身為外人的我亦感受到他們的甜蜜。:) Tks Elfee & Raphael 為你們拍攝最甜蜜的時刻!

My favourite that day!

Elfee 好八卦呀你~!So happy to have a big family cheer shot!So Sweetie moment!I like this one also very much!!
Interesting mirror effect
當晚有 500 位賓客...情況非常熱鬧!!
Are you ready?!

Raphael's Singing is so touching..


Anonymous said...

Thanks and those are wonderful pictures. Sorry we didn't have a chance to look at the photos in details earlier on, will do after our honeymoon. Thanks for your good work!

SiuMing said...

I'm glad to know your appreciation on my works. I believe it's worth to take more photos even when you both got extremely tired in church.. :P

You are welcomed to forward these photos to your friends to share your happiness & sweetie moment!

Anonymous said...

Well Done! Siu Ming!

Gary Li

SiuMing said...

Are you a wedding photographer Gary Li? I'm really glad to receive your message! It's a great support others from client. I'm also appreciated so much your works.

Add oil together! Provide the best photos to our client! :D

Anonymous said...

your pics are very well done ^^ my BD is on 3 Jan 10, would you advise your availability and price? my email is

Lawrence Chiu Wedding Photography said...

Perfectly done!!!Siu Ming